 2019 年云南成人高考专升本考试英语真题题目及答案解析 点击: 2 发布:高茸梅 2024-09-19 16:21:48
描述:本文将深入剖析 2019 年云南成人高考专升本考试英语真题,对各题型题目进行详细分析并给出准确答案及解析,为考生提供有价值的备考参考,助力考生掌握考试重点与解题思路。

一、语音知识2019 年云南成人高考专升本考试英语真题


A. name

B. cake

C. have

D. late


解析:A、B、D 选项中划线部分的读音都是 [eɪ],而 C 选项中划线部分的读音是 [æ]。


A. good

B. food

C. book

D. look


解析:A、C、D 选项中划线部分的读音都是 [ʊ],而 B 选项中划线部分的读音是 [uː]。

二、词汇与语法知识2019 年云南成人高考专升本考试英语真题

题目:He is ______ honest man.

A. a

B. an

C. the

D. /


解析:honest 是以元音音素开头的单词,前面要用 an。

题目:I have been to Beijing ______.

A. two times

B. twice

C. second times

D. two time


解析:“两次” 可以用 twice 或 two times 来表达,但 A 选项 two times 的表达方式不够简洁,B 选项 twice 更常用。

三、完形填空2019 年云南成人高考专升本考试英语真题


题目:At first, I was very ______ of trying something new.

A. afraid

B. excited

C. happy

D. proud


解析:根据后文可知主人公一开始对尝试新事物感到害怕,be afraid of 是固定搭配,表示 “害怕”。

题目:But with the encouragement of my friends, I finally took the courage and ______ the challenge.

A. accepted

B. refused

C. avoided

D. ignored


解析:在朋友的鼓励下,主人公鼓起勇气接受了挑战,accept the challenge 表示 “接受挑战”。

四、阅读理解2019 年云南成人高考专升本考试英语真题


题目:What is the new technology product?

A. A smart phone.

B. A tablet computer.

C. A wearable device.

D. A digital camera.



解析:文章中详细描述了一种可穿戴设备,具有各种功能,所以答案是 C。

题目:What are the advantages of the new product?

A. It is small and portable.

B. It has a long battery life.

C. It can monitor health conditions.

D. All of the above.


解析:文章中提到该产品小巧便携、电池续航时间长且能监测健康状况,所以答案是 D。


题目:What did the two friends do when they faced difficulties?

A. They gave up.

B. They argued with each other.

C. They supported each other.

D. They asked for help from others.


解析:文章中明确提到两个朋友在困难时期相互支持,所以答案是 C。

题目:What can we learn from the story?

A. Friendship is important in difficult times.

B. We should always rely on others.

C. We should avoid difficulties.

D. Friendship is not reliable.


解析:这个故事告诉我们在困难时期友谊很重要,所以答案是 A。

五、补全对话2019 年云南成人高考专升本考试英语真题

A: Hi, Tom! How are you?

B: Fine, thanks. And you?

A: I'm fine, too. What did you do last weekend?

B: I went to the park with my family.

A: That sounds great. What did you do there?

B: We had a picnic and played games.

A: Did you have a good time?

B: Yes, we did. What about you? What did you do?

A: I stayed at home and read a book.

题目:What did Tom do last weekend?

A. Went to the park.

B. Stayed at home.

C. Went shopping.

D. Visited his friends.


解析:根据对话内容 “I went to the park with my family.” 可知,Tom 上周末去了公园,所以答案是 A。

题目:What did the speaker do last weekend?

A. Went to the park.

B. Stayed at home.

C. Went shopping.

D. Visited his friends.


解析:根据对话内容 “I stayed at home and read a book.” 可知,说话者上周末待在家里看书,所以答案是 B。

六、书面表达2019 年云南成人高考专升本考试英语真题

题目:My Favorite Season

要求:1. 介绍你最喜欢的季节;2. 说明你喜欢这个季节的原因。

My Favorite Season

My favorite season is spring.

Spring is a season of renewal and hope. After a long winter, everything comes back to life. The trees turn green, the flowers bloom, and the birds sing. The weather is warm and pleasant, not too hot and not too cold. It is perfect for going outdoors and enjoying nature.

In spring, I like to go for a walk in the park and breathe in the fresh air. I can see the beautiful scenery and feel the warmth of the sun. I also like to plant flowers and watch them grow. It is a great feeling to see something grow and flourish under my care.

Spring is a season full of beauty and joy. It makes me feel happy and alive. That's why it is my favorite season.

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