 2020 年云南成人高考专升本考试英语真题题目及答案解析 点击: 3 发布:高茸梅 2024-09-19 15:15:12
描述:本文对 2020 年云南成人高考专升本考试英语真题进行全面解析,涵盖各个题型的题目分析与答案讲解,为考生提供详细的备考参考,助力考生更好地掌握考试要点和解题技巧。

一、语音知识2020 年云南成人高考专升本考试英语真题


A. child

B. cheap

C. school

D. chess


解析:A、B、D 选项中划线部分的读音都是 [tʃ],而 C 选项中划线部分的读音是 [k]。


A. hobby

B. come

C. move

D. love


解析:A、B、D 选项中划线部分的读音都是 [ʌ],而 C 选项中划线部分的读音是 [uː]。

二、词汇与语法知识2020 年云南成人高考专升本考试英语真题

题目:She is very kind ______ everyone.

A. to

B. for

C. with

D. at


解析:be kind to sb. 是固定搭配,表示 “对某人友好”。

题目:There ______ a lot of people at the concert last night.

A. are

B. were

C. is

D. was


解析:last night 表明是过去的时间,people 是复数名词,所以用 were。

三、完形填空2020 年云南成人高考专升本考试英语真题


题目:I love traveling. It gives me a chance to see different places and meet different people. Every trip is a new ______.

A. adventure

B. experience

C. challenge

D. opportunity


解析:根据上下文,每次旅行都是一次新的经历,故选 B。

题目:During my last trip, I met a kind old man. He told me many interesting stories and gave me some good ______.

A. advice

B. suggestions

C. ideas

D. thoughts


解析:give sb. advice 表示 “给某人建议”,固定搭配。

四、阅读理解2020 年云南成人高考专升本考试英语真题

第一篇文章介绍了一种新型的能源 —— 太阳能。太阳能清洁、可再生,具有广阔的发展前景。

题目:What is solar energy?

A. A new kind of food.

B. A new kind of medicine.

C. A new kind of energy.

D. A new kind of material.


解析:文章开头提到 “solar energy is a new kind of energy”,即太阳能是一种新型的能源,故选 C。

题目:Why is solar energy important?

A. Because it is cheap.

B. Because it is clean.

C. Because it is renewable.

D. Both B and C.


解析:文章中提到 “solar energy is clean and renewable”,即太阳能清洁、可再生,所以很重要,故选 D。


题目:What was the protagonist's dream?

A. To be a doctor.

B. To be a teacher.

C. To be a singer.

D. To be a writer.


解析:文章中提到 “the protagonist had a dream of becoming a singer since childhood”,即主人公从小就有一个成为歌手的梦想,故选 C。

题目:How did the protagonist achieve his dream?

A. By working hard.

B. By asking for help.

C. By being lucky.

D. By having a rich family.


解析:文章中提到 “the protagonist achieved his dream through hard work”,即主人公通过努力奋斗实现了自己的梦想,故选 A。

五、补全对话2020 年云南成人高考专升本考试英语真题

A: Hi, Lucy! How are you?

B: Fine, thanks. And you?

A: I'm fine, too. What are you doing this weekend?

B: I don't know. Maybe I'll go shopping. What about you?

A: I'm going to visit my grandparents.

B: That's nice. How often do you visit them?

A: Once a month.

B: Do they live far away?

A: Yes, they live in the countryside. It takes about two hours to get there by bus.

题目:What is Lucy going to do this weekend?

A. Go shopping.

B. Visit her grandparents.

C. Go to the countryside.

D. Stay at home.



解析:根据对话内容 “Maybe I'll go shopping.” 可知,Lucy 这个周末可能去购物,故选 A。

题目:How often does the speaker visit his grandparents?

A. Once a week.

B. Twice a month.

C. Once a month.

D. Twice a year.


解析:根据对话内容 “Once a month.” 可知,说话者每个月去看望一次祖父母,故选 C。

六、书面表达2020 年云南成人高考专升本考试英语真题

题目:My Dream

要求:1. 介绍你的梦想是什么;2. 说明你为什么有这个梦想;3. 你将如何实现这个梦想。

My Dream

Everyone has a dream. My dream is to become a teacher.

I have this dream because I think teaching is a very meaningful job. Teachers can help students learn knowledge and grow up. They can also influence students' lives and futures.

To achieve my dream, I will study hard and get good grades. I will also read more books and improve my knowledge and skills. After graduating from college, I will take the teacher certification exam and become a qualified teacher.

I believe that as long as I work hard and persevere, I will be able to realize my dream.

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