 2021 年云南成人高考专升本考试英语真题题目及答案解析 点击: 2 发布:高茸梅 2024-09-19 15:13:13

一、语音知识2021 年云南成人高考专升本考试英语真题


A. cute

B. blue

C. sugar

D. ruler


解析:A、B、D 选项中划线部分的读音都是 [uː],而 C 选项中划线部分的读音是 [ʊ]。


A. theatre

B. ready

C. pleasure

D. seat


解析:A、B、C 选项中划线部分的读音都是 [eə],而 D 选项中划线部分的读音是 [iː]。

二、词汇与语法知识2021 年云南成人高考专升本考试英语真题

题目:I have two brothers. One is a doctor and ______ is a teacher.

A. another

B. other

C. the other

D. others


解析:one…the other… 表示 “一个…… 另一个……”,固定搭配。

题目:He is very tired. He needs ______ rest.

A. a few

B. few

C. a little

D. little


解析:rest 是不可数名词,a little 表示 “一点”,修饰不可数名词;a few 和 few 修饰可数名词;little 表示 “几乎没有”,含有否定意义。

三、完形填空2021 年云南成人高考专升本考试英语真题


题目:I was very nervous when I started my new school. I didn't know anyone and I felt very ______.

A. alone

B. lonely

C. happy

D. excited


解析:alone 表示 “独自的”,侧重于客观状态;lonely 表示 “孤独的”,侧重于主观感受。根据上下文,主人公在新学校不认识任何人,感到孤独,故选 B。

题目:One day, a girl came up to me and said hello. She was very kind and we started talking. Soon we became good ______.

A. friends

B. classmates

C. teachers

D. students


解析:根据上文两人开始交谈,以及后文一起度过美好时光,可以推断出他们成为了好朋友,故选 A。

四、阅读理解2021 年云南成人高考专升本考试英语真题


题目:What is the new material?

A. A kind of plastic.

B. A kind of paper.

C. A kind of metal.

D. A kind of glass.


解析:文章开头提到 “a new kind of environmentally friendly material”,接着后面具体介绍了这种材料是一种新型的塑料,故选 A。

题目:Why is the new material good for the environment?

A. Because it can be recycled.

B. Because it can be degraded.

C. Because it is cheap.

D. Because it is beautiful.


解析:文章中提到 “this material can be degraded and is friendly to the environment”,即这种材料可以降解,对环境友好,故选 B。


题目:What did the protagonist do when facing difficulties?

A. Gave up.

B. Asked for help.

C. Kept trying.

D. Ran away.


解析:文章中提到 “the protagonist didn't give up in the face of difficulties and kept trying”,即主人公在面对困难时没有放弃,一直在努力尝试,故选 C。

题目:What can we learn from the story?

A. We should give up when facing difficulties.

B. We should ask for help when facing difficulties.

C. We should be brave and persistent when facing difficulties.

D. We should run away when facing difficulties.


解析:故事的主人公在面对困难时没有放弃,一直坚持努力,最终取得了成功。这个故事告诉我们在面对困难时应该勇敢和坚持,故选 C。

五、补全对话2021 年云南成人高考专升本考试英语真题

A: Hi, Tom! How are you?

B: Fine, thanks. And you?

A: I'm fine, too. What are you doing these days?

B: I'm studying for the exam.

A: Oh, really? What exam are you taking?

B: The entrance exam for graduate school.

A: That's great! Good luck to you!

B: Thank you! How about you? What are you up to?

A: I'm looking for a job.

B: Oh, that's not easy. Have you found anything yet?

A: Not yet. But I'm still looking.

B: Well, good luck to you, too!

题目:What is Tom doing these days?

A. Studying for the exam.

B. Looking for a job.

C. Taking a vacation.

D. Visiting a friend.


解析:根据对话内容 “I'm studying for the exam.” 可知,Tom 这些天在为考试学习,故选 A。

题目:What is the speaker looking for?

A. A job.

B. A book.

C. A house.

D. A friend.


解析:根据对话内容 “I'm looking for a job.” 可知,说话者在找工作,故选 A。

六、书面表达2021 年云南成人高考专升本考试英语真题

题目:My Hobbies

要求:1. 介绍你的一些爱好;2. 说明这些爱好对你的影响。

My Hobbies

Everyone has his own hobbies. I also have many hobbies, such as reading, listening to music and playing sports.

Reading is one of my favorite hobbies. I can learn a lot of knowledge from books. Reading can broaden my horizons and enrich my mind. It also helps me relax and relieve stress.

Listening to music is another hobby of mine. Music can soothe my emotions and make me feel happy. When I am tired or stressed, listening to music can help me relax and rejuvenate.

Playing sports is also important to me. It can keep me healthy and fit. Playing sports can also enhance my teamwork spirit and perseverance.

In short, my hobbies have a great impact on me. They enrich my life and make me a better person.

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